History Painting #1 (for B.N.) in the wake of Helene, by Hannah Cole

"I found History Painting #1 (for B.N.) sticking out of the mud. On September 27, unprecedented water from Hurricane Helene swelled the Swannanoa River, raising it 19 feet in twenty hours.1 There were no witnesses inside the Southside Studios building, where my studio space was, as it flooded. I picture what happened there, working backward from the evidence."

Art in America
Art in America
"How Artists Are Rebuilding Asheville After Hurricane Helene"

By Robert Alan Grand

With comments by Tracey Morgan and gallery artist Hannah Cole

Carly Owens Weiss' "The Boys Will Ge Hungry if They See Fruit"

Exhibition review by Robert Alan Grand, published December 11, 2025

"Before Hurricane Helene ravaged western North Carolina, Carly Owens Weiss was gearing up for her debut solo exhibition at Tracey Morgan Gallery in Asheville, NC. Growing up in Swannanoa, about 11 miles east of Asheville, but now living in Boulder, Colorado, her solo exhibition was always set to be a homecoming of sorts. Now, 'it still feels like one,” the artist said, “but with a different undertone.'"

Mountain Xpress
Mountain Xpress
Off the wall: New exhibit uses Mexican hammocks to explore multiple themes

Randy Shull's current exhibition Black & White is featured in this week's Mountain Xpress, published August 28, 2024. Article by Arnold Wengrow. 

15 Bytes
15 Bytes
"Margaret Curtis’ ‘This, too’ Burns with the Urgency of Environmental and Social Crises"

Review of Margaret Curtis' solo exhibition at Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City. By Geoff Wichert

Asheville Made
Asheville Made
"The Way Back To Tall Tales" | Luke Whitlatch & Faris McReynolds Exhibition
The Laurel of Asheville
The Laurel of Asheville
Feature Artist: Rachel Meginnes June 2024
Southwest Contemporary
Southwest Contemporary
Margaret Curtis: This, too. selected in 'top five picks for the next five days'

Margaret Curtis' solo exhibition "This, too," on view at Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, was featured in Southwest Contemporary

Harvard Journal
Harvard Journal
Harnessing Photography as a Force for Social Impact: The Transformation of NYC’s Freshkills from Largest Waste Landfill to Utopian Wilderness

Q&A with Jade Doskow, Photographer-in-Residence, written By Sandra Kresch

Mountain Xpress
Mountain Xpress
"Tracey Morgan Gallery celebrates new location with inaugural exhibit"

Thanks to Arnold Wengrow & Mountain Xpress for coving our recent move to 22 London and inaugural exhibition "What Came First"

Asheville Made
Asheville Made
"What Came First," Opening March 8

Thanks to Asheville Made and Lauren Stepp for highlighting our new gallery location, current group exhibition, and upcoming exhibition with Nava Lubelski. 

The Missionary and the Villian

Stacy Kranitz's first monograph "As It Was Give(n) To Me" gathers twelve years of her work in Appalaichia, a testiment to her approach to photography in the poorest, most violently misrepresented socio-cultural region in the United States. 

Stacy Kranitz captures Appalachia as it is 9/25/2023

Text by Jayne O'Dwyer

Interview by Avery Norman

Musee Magazine
Musee Magazine
"Tracey Morgan Gallery | McNair Evans: Tomorrow Ever Comes, June 3rd — July 15th, 2023"

McNair Evans' gallery exhibition featured in Musee Magazine

Tomorrow Ever Comes: McNair Evans' Train Journeys Across America

Published June 5, 2023

The Overlook Podcast
The Overlook Podcast
"Her Paintbrush is a Torch | Artist Margaret Curtis," with Matt Peikin

"Margaret Curtis’s paintings are gorgeous and lush and haunting, filled with allegory, historical references and connections to what she calls cultural collapse. In this episode, we talk about the personal and communal trauma informing her work, her subversive commentary as torches for feminism and climate change and the balancing beam she walks in her work between darkness and beauty."

PhotoBook Journal
PhotoBook Journal
Tema Stauffer - Southern Fiction
Harper's Magazine
Harper's Magazine
Kirsten Stolle

Kirsten Stolle's "The Grass is Always Greener" was featured in Harper's Magazine Monday Gallery series. 

The Atlantic
The Atlantic
Feature on Stacy Kranitz, "The Photographer Undoing the Myth of Appalachia"

For Stacy Kranitz, replacing negative stereotypes with a triumphant counternarrative would be too easy. By Andrew Aoyama. 

The Atlanta Journal Constitutional
The Atlanta Journal Constitutional
Tema Stauffer, Southern Fiction Featured in "7 display-worthy books ideal for holiday gift-giving"
Smithsonian Magazine
Smithsonian Magazine
Stancy Kranitz "As It Was Give(n) to Me" included in "The Ten Best Photography Books of 2022"
The Washington Post
The Washington Post
Life in Appalachia in “As It Was Give(n) To Me”

Review of Stacy Kranitz new book, "As It Was Give(n) To Me," by Kenneth Dickerman

Sandi Haber Fifield: Cross Currents at the Tracey Morgan Gallery
Asheville Made
Asheville Made
"She Refused To Be Torn Between Papermaking And Printmaking"

Feature on Georgia Deal, by Kay West

The Atlantic
The Atlantic
Kirsten Stolle

Kirsten Stolle was commissioned to create work for the Atlantic article “America’s Lost Crops Rewrite the History of Farming," by Sarah Laskow

Be Magazin
Be Magazin
"Places and their Long Shadows," by Karin Schulze

Be Magazin, the KÜNSTLERHAUS BETHANIEN's yearbook, presents artists every year who have recently been or continue to be guests there on scholarships, and reflects the cultural events in the building. This iteration features artist Gesche Würfel. 

"The Feminist Revival of Embroidery," by Stefanie Graf

Feauring artists Orly Cogan, Judy Chicago, and Hanecdote. 

Joan Mitchell Foundation
Joan Mitchell Foundation
In the Studio: Margaret Curtis

Interview with Margaret Curtis by Jenny Gill. Published July 28, 2022. 

Asheville Made
Asheville Made
Zander Stefani: The Muse Who Demands Downtime

Published July 31, 2022. By Tom Kerr. 

Harper's Magazine
Harper's Magazine
Almost Home: Photographs by Tema Stauffer. Introduction by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers
Salvation South
Salvation South
Tema Stauffer's Sense of Place
“Southern Fiction” by Photographer Tema Stauffer
Asheville Made
Asheville Made
Ted Pope: Compassion & Cannibalism: A Spiritual Guide To Recycling

Review of Ted Pope's current project space installation at the gallery.

The Washington Post
The Washington Post
Colby Caldwell

Review of "Colby Caldwell: Over & Under" on view through June 25 at Hemphill Artworks

Harper's Magazine
Harper's Magazine
Mike Smith: Boston in Harper's 'Monday Gallery' May 16, 2022

“Boston Gardens, 1977-78” and “Fenway Park, 1977-78,” photographs by Mike Smith from his book Streets of Boston, which was published in January by Stanley/Barker. Smith’s work is on view through May 28 at Tracey Morgan Gallery.

Blue Ridge Public Radio
Blue Ridge Public Radio
Interview with Zander Stefani

'Asheville artist Zander Stefani wrangles his anxiety one brush stroke at a time,' by Matt Peiken

Feature on Kirsten Stolle

'Work of Asheville artist to be featured in upcoming NC Museum of Art exhibit,' by Brittany Whitehead

Feature on Margaret Curtis

'Margaret Curtis exhibit opens Tuesday at Florence County Museum,' by Matthew Robertson

Photo Vogue
Photo Vogue
Feature on Anastasia Samoylova

'Climate Change as You’ve Never Seen It Before: “FloodZone” by Anastasia Samoylova'

Virginia Quarterly Review
Virginia Quarterly Review
Feature on Jade Doskow's Fresh Kills

A Wilderness Engineered The Radical Transformation of Fresh Kills

By Cal Flyn

The New Yorker
The New Yorker
Feature on Tema Stauffer"s Southern Fiction

The Real Places That Gave Rise to Southern Fictions: Tema Stauffer’s photographs explore how the experience of going somewhere is shaped by your expectations of what you will find. 

By Casey Cep

Blue Ridge Public Radio
Blue Ridge Public Radio
Interview with Tema Stauffer

"Tema Stauffer provides the photos and leaves the narrative to her viewers," by Matt Peiken. 

Asheville Made
Asheville Made
"A Big Plot Twist In Margaret Curtis’ Narrative," by Tom Kerr

Margaret Curtis' recent Joan Mitchell award was featured in Asheville Made magazine. 

Oxford American
Oxford American
Bryan Graf, Mid-Summer Hallucination 7, 2021, C-Print

A photograph by Bryan Graf was featured in the article "Slow Time: Southern resonance in Daniel Lanois’s Sling Blade score"

Musee Magazine
Musee Magazine
Jade Doskow: Freshkills

Exhibition review by Saige Buffington, published Oct 8, 2021

Southern Culture
Southern Culture
Gesche Wurfel: When Trees are Dying

Gesche Wurfel's current gallery exhibition was recently featured in Southern Culture

The New York Review
The New York Review
Picturing Climate Crisis in Miami

NY Review Article focusing on how climate change is influencing local ecosystems in South Florida

Paradise and Catastrophe

Burnaway article on how the artist Anastasia Samoylova captures water through a camera lens

'Flood Zone' an eerie glimpse into the future of America's sinking southern states

Document Journal article focusing on the rising sea levels threatening Florida

A Photographer's Quiet Reflections on Climate Change

Hyperallergic Article providing commentary on the subject matter of the Floodzone series

Art Papers
Art Papers
Anastasia Samoylova: Floodzone

Art Papers review of floodzone at University of South Florida

Bomb Magazine
Bomb Magazine
A Charged Stillness: Tema Stauffer Interviewed by Kathryn Savage

Photographs that capture the restlessness of place. 

Musee Magazine
Musee Magazine
Exhibition Review: Bryan Graf

Exhibition review of Bryan Graf: Optical Research, on view August 14 - September 26, 2020

PMA Arts and Entertainment
PMA Arts and Entertainment
(Over) Exposure Is Key

Article on Gesche Wurfel Photography with a focus in over exposure 

Rhino Times
Rhino Times
GreenHill Exhibits Celebrates 75th Anniversary of WWII

Rhino Tines Article celebrating 75th Anniversary of WWII through Gesche Wurfel photography 

Yes Weekly
Yes Weekly
GreenHill Celebrates 75th anniversary of World War II through photography exhibition

Yes Weekly article on 75th anniversary of World War II with an exhibition of Gesche Wurfel Photography 

Gesche Wurfel - Oppressive Architecture

Galerian article of Gesche Wurfel Photography 

The New York Times, Sunday
The New York Times, Sunday
The Lairs of Super Men- Photographs by Gesche Wurfel

The New York Times album of Gesche Wurfel Photography. 

As it Was Give(n) to Me: Stacy Kranitz Explores the American Appalachia

A look at Stacy's decade-long project in Appalachia.

Locate Arts
Locate Arts
Interview: Stacy Kranitz

An interview with Stacy Kranitz about her work both past and present. 

Asheville Made
Asheville Made
There’s A Piece Of Her Mind In Every Quilt She Deconstructs

Cover feature for November issue of Asheville Made about Rachel Meginne's work and inspiration.

It's Nice That
It's Nice That
Stacy Kranitz on the flaws of documentary photography

An online feature on Stacey Kranitz's series, As It Was Give(n) To Me. 

Through A Glass Darkly: Bryan Graf and Christina Price Washington

Review of Bryan Graf's current exhibition at Atlanta Contemporary Art Center.

Blue Rigdge Public Radio
Blue Rigdge Public Radio
Arts Philanthropist, Collector Randy Shull Turns Spotlight On Own Art—Depression Included

An interview with artist Randy Shull about the work in his most recent show opening at Tracey Morgan Gallery.

Fine Art Photography Issue, Cover Photo Feature

McNair Evans' work was featured as the cover photo for the Fine Art Photography issue of PDN. Also in this issue, McNair gives some advice on working as an artist.


An interview with photographer McNair Evans.

Price Discover Louis Roederer: Appalachia and Banana Republic

An article on the 10 finalists of the Prix Decouverte Louis Roederer category of the Arles photography festival, including Stacy Kranitz.


Interview with Stacy Kranitz during Arles photography festival, 2019

British Journal of Photography
British Journal of Photography
As It Was Give(n) to Me

Interview with Stacy Kranitz during Arles photography festival, 2019

Wall Street International Art
Wall Street International Art

Exhibition post in on-line publication

Harper's Magazine
Harper's Magazine
Monday Gallery

Diner, Elizaville, New York, 2017 included in the Harper's Magazine Monday Gallery. 

Yahoo News
Yahoo News
’Upstate’ Tema Stauffer’s portrait of a post-industrial city along the Hudson River, 2018

Book Review on Tema Stauffer's Upstate

The PhotoBook Journal
The PhotoBook Journal
Tema Stauffer – UPSTATE, Melanie Chapman, 2018


Photo District News, This Hudson, New York, is Not for Tourists, 2018

Review of Temma Stauffer's upstate series of work

Musée Magazine
Musée Magazine
Book Review: Upstate by Tema Stauffer, Amy Schatz, 2018

Book Review

American Photography, 2018

Book Review

Johnson City Press
Johnson City Press
’Upstate’ exhibit features rural, industrial landscapes by ETSU faculty member, 2018

Book Review

Boston Globe
Boston Globe
At the Griffin, a juried show and photographs that perform, Mark Feeney, 2017


Bird in Flight
Bird in Flight
Book Review

Summary of Tema Stauffer's Upstate.

Ralston Fox Smith: Therefore

Review of Smith's debut exhibition at the gallery. 

Asheville Made
Asheville Made
It’s Not How The Crow Flies — It’s How It Lands That’s Important

Interview with painter Margaret Curtis. 

Blue Ridge Public Radio
Blue Ridge Public Radio
Tryon Artist Margaret Curtis Hasn't Lost the Fire That Made Her a Rising Star in New York

Interview with Margaret Curtis on her upcoming solo exhibition at Mars Hill University's at Weizenblatt Gallery. 

Close Look, James Henkel: Table Arrangements

Web Feature on James Henkel's exhibition, Table Arrangements. 

Mike Smith You're not from Around Here

Mike Smith has lived, taught, and photographed in and around Johnson City, Tennessee, for nearly 40 years. An army brat born in Germany in 1951, Smith served in Vietnam before attending the Massachusetts College of Art, receiving his MFA from Yale, and eventually relocating to Johnson City. But East Tennessee is a part of the world where even decades of hard work and residency don’t turn a transplant into a real local, as is suggested by the title of Smith’s 2004 book, You’re Not from Around Here.

AnOther Magazine
AnOther Magazine
Trompe l’Oeil Photographs Recreating Floral Still Life Paintings

Sharon Core grows rare blooms from seed in order to painstakingly recreate the arrangements of the masters...

Wall Street International
Wall Street International
Dawn Roe

Webfeature on "Conditions for an Unfinished Work of Mourning"

It's Nice That
It's Nice That
Jade Doskow’s The Neighbor I Never Knew explores intimacy, loss, and commemorative Frank Sinatra plates
Mountain Xpress
Mountain Xpress
Multimedia artist Dawn Roe tracks down the past July 30th, 2018

Interview with Dawn Roe covering her current exhibitions at TMG and Revolve Asheville. 

Photograph Magazine
Photograph Magazine

Jade Doskow's Lost Utopias is one of the featured portfolios in the July/August issue. 

Floorr Magazine
Floorr Magazine
Dawn Roe May 1, 2018

Interview with gallery artist Dawn Roe regarding her work and process.

Architect Magazine
Architect Magazine
Lost Utopias April 21, 2018

Jade Doskow's Lost Utopias open at Front Room Gallery. 

Winston Salem Journal
Winston Salem Journal
Art of the State: SECCA exhibition spotlights works by 12 North Carolina artists

Works by 12 artists who have had such solo outings are brought together in SECCA’s latest group exhibition, on view through April 22 in the Main Gallery. Playing on North Carolina’s status as the 12th state to have ratified the U.S. Constitution, it’s titled “12 x 12: 12 Artists from the 12th State.”

Wall Street International
Wall Street International
Future Past February 14, 2018

Web feature on our "Future Past" exhibition.

The Reservoir
The Reservoir
Deep Down, Cancer Alley Interview with Stacy Kranitz January 2, 2018

Premeier issue of The Reservoir featuring and interview with Stacy Kranitz on her current project on Cancer Alley. 


Article on the collaborative project by Stacy Kranitz and Zoe Strauss. 

Fulcrum of Malice by Stacy Kranitz at Tracey Morgan Gallery December 7, 2018

Web feature and gallery of Kranitz's current exhibition at TMG. 

The Great Discontent
The Great Discontent
Laura Letinsky December 5th, 2017

Feature article on Laura Letinksy.

Carolina Home & Garden
Carolina Home & Garden
Unmodified Vision October 2, 2017

Interview with Kirsten Stolle about her work upcoming exhibition.

Mountain Xpress
Mountain Xpress
Kirsten Stolle’s latest exhibit opens at Tracey Morgan Gallery November 28th, 2017
Ain't Bad
Ain't Bad
Jade Doskow August 23, 2017

Web feature of Doskow's "Lost Utopias" work. 

Don't Take Pictures
Don't Take Pictures
Photo of the Day August 9th, 2017
It's Nice That
It's Nice That
Jade Doskow’s ten-year project documenting the abandoned architecture of world’s fairs 8/3/2017
Tages Anzeiger
Tages Anzeiger
Back to the Future August 12, 2017
Mountain Xpress
Mountain Xpress
Local-ish August 6, 2017

Article on the gallery and current exhibition "Transplants."

Art F City
Art F City
Why Mid-Tier Galleries Leave New York July 11, 2017
Asheville Grit
Asheville Grit
An Hoang and Rob Amberg May 09, 2017

General Gallery Press. Interview about the gallery and current exhibitions. 

McNair Evans March 8, 2017

Listing for McNair Evans: Confessions for a Son exhibition. 

McNair Evans
McNair Evans
Juxtapoz Magazine March 3, 2017

Feature on exhibition, McNair Evans: Confessions for a Son

Representing Place February 14, 2017

Web feature on Representing Place: Photographs of Appalachia.

Juxtapoz Magazine
Juxtapoz Magazine
Representing Place February 8, 2017

Feature on the exhibition "Representing Place: Photographs of Appalachia," at Tracey Morgan Gallery

Photograph Magazine
Photograph Magazine
In Profile December 2016

In profile on Tracey Morgan and Tracey Morgan Gallery.