Luke Whitlatch

Do You Call Day, Night?

January 8 – February 20, 2021

Luke Whitlatch  Welcome The Aftermath, 2020  dye, acrylic and oil on canvas  20 x 16 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

Welcome The Aftermath, 2020

dye, acrylic and oil on canvas

20 x 16 inches

Luke Whitlatch  Who is This Captain and Where Do His Friends Live, 2020  dye, acrylic and oil on linen  48 x 48 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

Who is This Captain and Where Do His Friends Live, 2020

dye, acrylic and oil on linen

48 x 48 inches

Luke Whitlatch  West to East, I Left Some Bones for The Beast, 2019  dye and acrylic on muslin  18 x 18 inches abstarct painting

Luke Whitlatch

West to East, I Left Some Bones for The Beast, 2019

dye and acrylic on muslin

18 x 18 inches

Luke Whitlatch  King of The Dustup, 2020  dye, acrylic and oil on linen  24 x 18 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

King of The Dustup, 2020

dye, acrylic and oil on linen

24 x 18 inches

Luke Whitlatch  The Ground Dogs Know, 2020  dye, acrylic and oil on linen  18 x 18 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

The Ground Dogs Know, 2020

dye, acrylic and oil on linen

18 x 18 inches

Luke Whitlatch   My Blue Knuckles Do as They Will  dye, oil and acrylic on canvas  24 x 24 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch 

My Blue Knuckles Do as They Will

dye, oil and acrylic on canvas

24 x 24 inches

Luke Whitlatch  Hell of a Shell of a Man, 2019  dye, acrylic and oil on canvas  12 x 12 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

Hell of a Shell of a Man, 2019

dye, acrylic and oil on canvas

12 x 12 inches

Luke Whitlatch  The Right Side of The Wrong Shadow, 2019  dye, acrylic and oil on canvas  12 x 12 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

The Right Side of The Wrong Shadow, 2019

dye, acrylic and oil on canvas

12 x 12 inches

Luke Whitlatch  Baldy Yacht Club, 2020  dye, acrylic and oil on canvas  12 x 12 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

Baldy Yacht Club, 2020

dye, acrylic and oil on canvas

12 x 12 inches

Luke Whitlatch  Left Side of Route 50, 2020  dye, acrylic and oil on canvas  60 x 72 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

Left Side of Route 50, 2020

dye, acrylic and oil on canvas

60 x 72 inches

Luke Whitlatch  Yard Life #2, 2020  ink on paper  framed: 29 1/2 x 25 inches abstract drawing

Luke Whitlatch

Yard Life #2, 2020

ink on paper

framed: 29 1/2 x 25 inches

Luke Whitlatch  Rise of the Rumble Man, 2020  dye, acrylic and oil on canvas  76 x 62 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

Rise of The Rumble Man, 2020

dye, acrylic and oil on canvas

76 x 62 inches

Luke Whitlatch  Snout Down in Ashy Ground, 2020  dye, acrylic and oil on linen  46 x 32 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

Snout Down in Ashy Ground, 2020

dye, acrylic and oil on linen

46 x 32 inches

Luke Whitlatch  Yard Life #1, 2020  ink on paper  framed: 22 x 22 inches abstract drawing

Luke Whitlatch

Yard Life #1, 2020

ink on paper

framed: 22 x 22 inches

Luke Whitlatch  Some Speak of The Sunlike, 2020  dye, acrylic and oil on canvas  50 x 40 inches abstract painting

Luke Whitlatch

Some Speak of The Sunlike, 2020

dye, acrylic and oil on canvas

50 x 40 inches

View of four paintings by Luke Whitlatch From left: Left side of the Route, Yard Life #2, Rise of the Rumble Man, Snout Down in the Ashy Ground.

View of four paintings by Luke Whitlatch

From left:

Left side of Route 50,

Yard Life #2,

Rise of the Rumble Man,

Snout Down in the Ashy Ground.

Four Paintings By Luke Whitlatch From Left: Who is the Captain and Where do His Friends Live, West to East I Left Some Bones for the Beast, King of the Dustup, Left Side of Route 50

Four Paintings By Luke Whitlatch.

From Left:

Who is the Captain and Where do His Friends Live,

West to East I Left Some Bones for the Beast,

King of the Dustup,

Left Side of Route 50.

Five Paintings By Luke Whitlatch From Left: West to East I Left Some Bones for the Beast, King of the Dustup, Hell of a Shell of a Man, The Right Side of the Wrong Shadow, Baldy Yacht Club.

Five Paintings By Luke Whitlatch.

From Left:

West to East I Left Some Bones for the Beast,

King of the Dustup,

Hell of a Shell of a Man,

The Right Side of the Wrong Shadow,

Baldy Yacht Club.

Two paintings by Luke Whitlatch: Left Side of Route 50, and Yard Life #2

Two paintings by Luke Whitlatch.

From Left:

Left Side of Route 50,

Yard Life #2.

three paintings by Luke Whitlatch From Left:  Welcome to the Aftermath, Who is the Captain and Where do His Friends Live, West to East I Left Some Bones for the Beast

Three paintings by Luke Whitlatch.

From Left:

Welcome to the Aftermath,

Who is the Captain and Where do His Friends Live,

West to East I Left Some Bones for the Beast.

Four paintings by Luke Whitlatch. From left: Welcome to the Aftermath, Who is the Captain and Where do His Friends Live, West to East I Left Some Bones for the Beast, King of the Dustup

Four paintings by Luke Whitlatch.

From left:

Welcome to the Aftermath,

Who is the Captain and Where do His Friends Live,

West to East I Left Some Bones for the Beast,

King of the Dustup

Two paintings by like Whitlatch Yard Life #1, and Some Speak of the Sunlike

Two paintings by Luke Whitlatch

From Left:

Yard Life #1,

Some Speak of the Sunlike

Three paintings by luke whitlatch Yard Life #2, Rise of the Rumble Man, Snout down in the Ashy Ground

Three paintings by Luke Whitlatch.

From Left:

Yard Life #2,

Rise of the Rumble Man,

Snout down in the Ashy Ground.

Two paintings by Luke Whitlatch. From left: The Ground Dogs Know, and My Blue Knuckles Do as They Will

Two paintings by Luke Whitlatch.

From left:

The Ground Dogs Know,

My Blue Knuckles Do as They Will

Five paintings by Luke Whitlatch. From Left: The Ground Dogs Know, My Blue Knuckles Do as They Will, Hell of a Shell of a Man, The Right Side of the Wrong Shadow, Baldy Yacht Club

Five paintings by Luke Whitlatch.

From Left:

The Ground Dogs Know,

My Blue Knuckles Do as They Will,

Hell of a Shell of a Man,

The Right Side of the Wrong Shadow,

Baldy Yacht Club.

Three paintings by Luke Whitlatch. From Left: Hell of a Shell of a Man, The Right Side of the Wrong Shadow, Baldy Yacht Club

Three paintings by Luke Whitlatch.

From Left:

Hell of a Shell of a Man,

The Right Side of the Wrong Shadow,

Baldy Yacht Club.

Three paintings by Luke Whitlatch. From left: Welcome to the Aftermath, Who is the Captain and Where do His Friends Live West to East, I Left Some Bones for the Beast

Three paintings by Luke Whitlatch.

From left:

Welcome to the Aftermath,

Who is the Captain and Where do His Friends Live

West to East, I Left Some Bones for the Beast

Press Release